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Check traffic violations on Qatar’s Ministry of Interior (MOI) website: process explained




Check traffic violations on Qatar’s Ministry of Interior (MOI) website: process explained

Driving in Qatar? You have to learn about traffic fines. No worries, it is quite simple to see if you have any. There are two easy methods of doing this. You can use a website on your computer or an application on your phone. It is crucial to check for fines. It assists you in following the rules and not getting into even bigger issues. In this article, you will learn how to check your fines and why it is useful to do it from time to time.

The following are descriptions of the two easiest ways to review your fines.

  1. Using the Government Website

The Qatar government has a fines website where you can type your fines and check how much you are supposed to pay. Here’s how:

  • Open the computer and typing portal. moi. gov. qa
  • Type ‘Traffic violations’ or ‘foreign vehicles’.
  • Enter information about your car including the make, model, where it was manufactured, and the registration number.
  • Click on ‘Submit’ to view any fines that you have.

The above way is preferable if one prefers to use a computer or if one is a transient or a tourist in Qatar.

  1. Using a Phone App

If you wish to use your phone, there is an application known as Metrash2. Here’s how to use it: Here’s how to use it:

  • Open the application store on your mobile phone
  • Search for the “Metrash2” application
  • Launch the application and search for “Traffic Violations”.
  • Enter your car details or ID

The app will inform you whether you have any fines.

Why Check Your Fines?

It is advisable to search for fines a lot. If you do not pay fines, you can get in big trouble. Fines are important to know to follow the rules of the country, in this case, Qatar. If you have fines, you can save money to pay them. The website and the app are quite intuitive. They assist you in finding out whether you have fines.

Traffic Fines in Qatar

You can be penalized for driving at high speeds. It is also unlawful not to wear a seat belt and you can be fined for this. It is unlawful to use your phone while driving and this attracts a fine. Not obeying red signals is also wrong. It is important not to park in the wrong areas as this will attract a fee. The amount you pay depends on the mistake that you made.

What if You Don’t Pay?

There are consequences for not paying fines, and they are not good ones. You may not be allowed to travel out of Qatar. They might take your car away. You could be arrested and end up in jail. It is very crucial to check and pay fines quickly.

Driving Tips for Qatar

To avoid getting a fine, study the traffic laws of Qatar. Wear your seat belt all the time. Do not use your phone while driving. Don’t go too fast. Only park where it is acceptable. If you do these things, you can stay safe and not get fined.

Aliza is a promising member of the Trends section at The Gulf Independent. She has a flair towards observing the latest food, movie, fashion, culture, business, technology and other other trending topics - delivering strongly factual and reliable news every day. Interest: Aliza holds a deep interest in bringing the audience the most recent information and incisive analysis on a variety of trending developments across the GCC. She believes in giving facts and creativity the front seat, producing articles that encourage deep conversations. Educate and Experience: Aliza entered the promising media industry in 2019, as she graduated from the prestigious King Faisal University in Saudi Arabia in Master of Media. Over the years, the journalist has produced innumerable thought-provoking and breaking stories, based on accuracy and integrity. Email id: [email protected]
