Saudi films will be shown for the first time in India as part of a travelling festival that begins at the end of January. The Saudi Film Commission has announced that the “Saudi Film Nights” will begin in India on January 31st and run through February 5 following the itinerant festival’s significant success in Morocco, Australia and China.
The National Museum of Indian Cinema in Mumbai will host the event’s opening while screenings in Delhi and Hyderabad are also scheduled. Panel discussions with the cast crews and directors will take place after a selection of long and short films have been screened.
The Saudi film industry has experienced remarkable growth since the theatres were reopened in the country in 2018. The commission revealed this month that 17.5 million tickets were sold in Saudi theatres bringing in about SR 846 million in revenue last year. Saudi films took part in 14 domestic and international festivals and travelled to 11 destinations across four continents in 2024.