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Opening New Horizons: Saudi Arabia’s Pursuit of Free Trade Agreements

fathima aisha



opening new horizons saudi arabia's pursuit of free trade agreements

In an ever-evolving global economy, nations are expanding their horizons, seeking opportunities to strengthen economic ties and foster international relations. Saudi Arabia, a leading player in the Middle East and GCC, is boldly stepping onto the world stage with an ambitious plan—to sign a series of free trade agreements (FTAs).

This strategic move signals the Kingdom’s commitment to diversifying its economy, promoting foreign investments, and enhancing its global trade footprint. As Saudi Arabia readies itself for a new era of trade diplomacy, this report delves into the motivations, implications, and potential outcomes of this substantial endeavor. With ramifications reaching far beyond its borders, Saudi Arabia’s pursuit of FTAs is poised to transform its economic landscape and solidify its status as a global trade heavyweight.

Saudi Economy Minister Says GCC-6 will Negotiate Trade Talks.

According to Bloomberg, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Economy and Planning, Faisal Al Ibrahim, intends to sign additional free trade agreements (FTAs).As per the report, which quoted the minister, authorities are presently investigating trade agreements with a list of countries deemed as “ambitious.”

Furthermore, according to the news agency, the government wishes to “unlock some challenges” by renegotiating some of the current agreements. Al Ibrahim voiced concerns about the failure to meet non-oil exports despite an increase in exports.

According to the report, the six-nation GCC bloc—Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates—will facilitate the trade negotiations.

Al Ibrahim revealed that the GCC is in talks to finalize an FTA with the UK and hopes to do so shortly.

Furthermore, the report mentioned that the bloc wants to pick up trade negotiations with the EU.   

Read More: GCC, Georgia: Strengthening Diplomatic Ties and Growth

Fathima is a part of the entertainment desk at The Gulf Independent. Her vibrant personality and diverse interests add a touch of uniqueness to her articles. In addition, she is a budding content creator on social media, captivating netizens through her creative storytelling. Interest: Fatima holds substantial interest in the creative industry, casually reading through multiple updates every day on celebrities, movie releases, OTT releases, project reviews, upcoming releases and events, and new trends floating around in the sector. Education and Experience: Her journey in the media industry started in 2021 as she got her bachelor's degree in journalism and digital media from the prestigious Zayed University in the UAE and subsequently ventured into the entertainment sector, holding strong ambitions to bring something new to the table.

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