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In a Historic Move, Kuwait Abolishes Article 153 Ending Leniency for ‘Honour’ Killings



In a Historic Move, Kuwait Abolishes Article 153 Ending Leniency for ‘Honour’ Killings

Kuwait has taken an important step toward justice and gender equality by abolishing provocative Article 153 of its Penal Code which allowed light sentences for men who killed female relatives in the so-called ‘honor’ killing. The new move provides a guarantee that such acts are to be treated as murder closing the loopholes that once allowed leniency in punishment.

What is Honour Killings?

Honour killings are acts of killing a woman by family members mostly by males in order of blaming that the female has brought dishonour to their families. The acts of these murders are often justified and indeed, very rarely punished in the name of adultery or some other more conspiratorial relationship of the women to another man. 

What is Article 153?

Article 153 has allowed men to receive a maximum sentence of three years for killing their wives, daughters, mothers or sisters upon discovering them in an “indecent situation” instead of full murder prosecutions.

By abolishing this Article 153, Kuwait’s vow towards human rights, gender equality and justice, provides for equal treatment of all murders by law. The reform harmonizes with global efforts to end gender based violence and discrimination.

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