In a gripping legal saga, former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, popularly known as CZ, is entangled in a high-stakes battle as prosecutors endeavor to prevent his...
In the heart of the United Arab Emirates, Sharjah has solidified its reputation as the reading emirate, playing a pivotal role in fostering literary culture across...
UAE celebrates its 52nd National Day this year, and this will be the final official holiday of the year. On Wednesday, the Ministry of Human Resources...
Big Picture of Race & Music ,New Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023 In the heart of the desert oasis, where speed and sound collide, the Abu...
In a landmark event hosted by the United Arab Emirates, the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) convened to shape the future of space, sea, and...
In a commendable display of commitment to environmental sustainability, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia have emerged as the most active countries in the...
Get ready for an extravaganza as the much-anticipated Sheikh Zayed Festival is set to ignite the skies over the UAE for an impressive 114 days, starting...
A specialized academy has been established by the UAE to assist the next generation of Emiratis in pursuing careers in the expanding space industry. In an...
Abu Dhabi Shines as Global Hub for Media Innovation: 2nd Global Media Congress Draws International Spotlight In a dazzling display of media prowess, Abu Dhabi played...
UAE May Organise First-Ever Flying Car Race 5 Metres Above Ground Residents and racing car enthusiasts may be able to witness the world’s first flying car...