The operator of the massive Al-Zour Refinery, Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC), is attempting to progressively resume operations at the plant following the unexpected shutdown...
In a significant move towards economic reform, Kuwait is reportedly contemplating the introduction of a 15% tax on business profits, marking a departure from its longstanding...
Kuwait, known for its oil-rich economy and unique tax structure, is set to introduce a new corporate tax initiative, signaling a significant shift in its economic...
On October 24th, every year, the world unites in celebration of the United Nations Day. This momentous occasion provides an opportunity for nations, organizations, and individuals...
Kuwait, a nation known for its significant expatriate workforce, has recently reported a notable increase in the hiring of Indian domestic workers in the year 2023....
During a period of increased regional tensions due to the Gaza conflict, His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan made a major diplomatic move by starting...
The Gaza conflict has taken center stage as the Kuwait National Assembly opens its new term, signifying the enduring importance of the Palestinian issue in the...
In addition to having exceptional natural beauty, the State of Kuwait—which is well-known for its sweeping deserts and parched terrain—is also beset by a persistent environmental...
Kuwait’s Cabinet has approved a child allowance program, a significant step towards supporting working mothers in the private sector. The purpose of this new initiative is...
One of the newest multi-role fighters, the Eurofighter Typhoon stands out for its ability to conduct electronic warfare and react quickly. Four Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 3...