In a groundbreaking cultural initiative, Saudi Arabia is set to captivate audiences with the Broadway musical sensation, ‘The Phantom of the Opera,’ gracing the stages of...
In a remarkable testament to its commitment to progress and development, Oman proudly announces the completion of a staggering $10.4 billion worth of national projects just...
Legendary football manager Sir Alex Ferguson is set to make a mark in a different arena, as he bids for one more title with Spirit Dancer...
In a pivotal development, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has successfully concluded its 2023 Article IV Mission to the Sultanate of Oman, offering a comprehensive assessment...
In a groundbreaking move towards sustainable transportation, Saudi Arabia has commenced test runs of hydrogen-powered trains in its capital, Riyadh. The kingdom is taking a major...
Get ready for an extravaganza as the much-anticipated Sheikh Zayed Festival is set to ignite the skies over the UAE for an impressive 114 days, starting...
The operator of the massive Al-Zour Refinery, Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC), is attempting to progressively resume operations at the plant following the unexpected shutdown...
In a noteworthy development for the Kingdom’s economic landscape, Saudi Arabia has witnessed a decline in inflation, with rates dropping to a commendable 1.6%. This news...
In a groundbreaking move that defies geographical expectations, Saudi Arabia is embarking on the construction of a state-of-the-art ski resort in the heart of the desert....
A specialized academy has been established by the UAE to assist the next generation of Emiratis in pursuing careers in the expanding space industry. In an...