Director-producer Rakesh Roshan has provided an update on the progress of the fourth installment of the popular Indian superhero film franchise, Krrish. In an interview, Roshan...
The oil price rally is gaining serious momentum, with Brent climbing to $85.80 per barrel, the highest level since April 17. The settlement price and intra-day...
Barbie, a popular 2023 US film distributed by Warner Bros. and Warner Bros. Pictures, is set to release in cinemas across the United Arab Emirates (UAE)....
While most residents of Dubai may not know Haffar as being the famous voice behind major brands, they have most certainly heard him. As the voice...
Economic relations between the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and Singapore are set to receive a substantial boost as officials from the two sides recently held discussions...
The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has launched a fitness challenge called the ‘Health and Happiness’ competition. The goal of the competition is to raise awareness about...
As Lebanon plunges deeper into its economic crisis, the recent resignation of the Lebanese Central Bank Governor, Riad Salameh, without a successor, symbolizes the nation’s lack...
The President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, popularly known by his initials as MBZ, has been invited...
ABU DHABI – United Arab Emirates President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan arrived in Amman on Wednesday for an official visit to Jordan. His Royal...
On August 4, 2020, the Lebanese capital of Beirut witnessed one of history’s biggest non-nuclear explosions, that destroyed a major portion of the city, littered roads...