Following one of the most devastating natural disasters to strike Libya, the people of Derna faced a desperate situation, urgently requesting international aid. The city, ruthlessly...
The Saudi Arabian port city of Jeddah is a modern commercial hub and gateway for pilgrimages to the Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina. It’s...
The Sultan of Oman, Haitham bin Tariq, received a visit from Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, at the Al-Baraka Palace in Seeb. The Crown...
Oman, a country in the Middle East, is best known for its terraced orchards and mosques. In recent years, Oman’s rich heritage has attracted various people,...
Despite all the sectors to focus on, there’s only one thing on top of Qatar’s list of commitments: education. Qatar has reaffirmed its commitment to prioritize...
Known for its hospitality, culture, an array of sightseeing delights and a number of other reasons, Qatar in the Middle East is all about luxuries and...
The IGCF is a vital event where some of the brightest minds from around the world gather to talk about something extremely significant: government communication. It’s...
Bahrain is grappling with a severe human rights crisis as the nation witnesses its largest-ever prison protest. Over 800 prisoners, representing more than half the prison...
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has various ancient cultural sites, with a land area of about 2150000 km². Saudi Arabia is the fifth-largest country in Asia,...
A few years back, if you would ask the average child in Asia, Africa or South America about where they would like to get their higher...