In the heart of the Middle East, a clandestine transformation is unfolding, one that is set to redefine the region’s tourism landscape. Behind the scenes, a...
Aging is one of the greatest mysteries of life. Every living thing, be it a tree, a human being or bacteria, ages. And we age at...
Meet Eiman Al-Qubati, an Emirati artist who paints like real life. She’s not just any artist; she’s special and wants to share her art with the...
In an effort to reduce incidence of waterborne diseases and enhance overall health, the UAE has provided safe and clean drinking water to 10,000 people in...
Kuwait Government ministries have been falling victim to ransomware attacks even as officials try to assure data is safe. The Ministry of Finance is the latest...
At Climate Future Week in Dubai on Tuesday, Issam Kazim, chief executive of Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing, highlighted how an 800-room Dubai hotel...
Dubai Fashion Week (DFW) is a big fashion event happening in Dubai from October 9th to October 15th, 2023. It’s a week filled with fashion shows,...
In the clandestine corridors of GCC diplomacy, a revolutionary visa structure is quietly taking shape. This covert initiative is poised to unravel the region’s best-kept secret...
In a realm where digital shadows intertwine with international intrigue, a Kuwaiti criminal court has exposed a cyber enigma that transcends ordinary boundaries. This enigmatic saga...
Bahrain recorded an 87 percent surge in Indians visiting the Kingdom in the first six months of 2023, a whopping 504,173 arrivals compared to 269,302 during...