In a swift response to the devastating earthquake that struck northwest of Herat, the UAE dispatched an aircraft laden with 33 tonnes of food supplies to...
In a momentous union, the Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance (BIBF) and the Bahrain Businesswomen Society (BBS) have forged a strategic partnership with a shared...
On Monday, the Saudi Arabia Football Federation (SAFF) submitted their letter of intent to FIFA – the international governing body of football – following last week’s...
Global Village 2023-2024, or the Season 28 of entertainment program Global Village, is all set to reopen its gates on October 18 in Dubai, the United...
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman engaged in crucial discussions with Jordan’s King Abdullah II and Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, addressing the escalating military...
Abu Dhabi is hosting a special exhibition called Manar Abu Dhabi, where the city will be transformed into a beautiful display of light and art. The...
In order to meet growing energy demand, the global oil industry requires investments of $14 trillion until 2045, OPEC said in its World Oil Outlook report...
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has launched a new electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure company, which has the capability to set up 5,000 fast chargers across...
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations are exploring the possibility of introducing a Unified Gulf visa, akin to the Schengen-style visa, to boost economic growth in...
There’s an awesome art exhibition called “Out of Paper” happening at the Al Jalila Centre in Dubai. It’s all about sustainability and art, and it’s super...