Salman Khan, a famous Bollywood actor, is set to open a store for his fashion label ‘Being Human’ at the Deira City Centre, located in Dubai,...
From rolling sand dunes to rugged mountains, the United Arab Emirates has more to offer than just towering skyscrapers. So fellow adventurers, get ready. Lace up...
Al Baik, the beloved Saudi-born fried chicken brand, has taken the UAE by storm following its successful debut at Expo 2020 Dubai. The brand’s resonance has...
Built in the 1970s to house semi-nomadic Bedouin, the village of Al-Ghuraifa an hour’s drive from the skyscrapers of Dubai stands as an eerie relic of...
The Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs of the Republic of India, V Muraleedharan, announced that the number of Indians living in the United Arab Emirates...
Get ready for an amazing cosmic event in the skies of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah! The Perseid meteor shower, which happens annually, is gracing the...
Travel enthusiasts residing in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have a world of opportunities at their fingertips when it comes to exploring new destinations. Thanks to...
Scorching heat and dangerously high temperatures continue to make lives difficult for millions of people across Asia, Europe and America. The UAE is no exception as...
Are you a Boba tea lover? Look no further. Dubai, a city highly regarded for its opulence and cultural diversity is the hub for delightful culinary...
Dubai, renowned for its tall buildings, opulent stores, and dynamic culture, has also become a centre for gastronomic experimentation. The breakfast scene in Dubai is a...