The UAE and Bahrain have restated their pledge to boost cooperation between their countries after a top-level talk in Abu Dhabi. They talked about making their economies closer, doing more trade and working together in different areas to help long-term growth.
It is important to note that the non-oil trade has grown between both nations as their trade reached a height of $4.16 billion.
Besides trade and investment, both countries are looking at working together on building things and moving people and goods. They talked about teaming up on roads and transport and ways to use less energy in buildings. This teamwork fits with wider area plans to make cities better connected and grow in a way that lasts.
Showing how Bahrain is playing a bigger part in the area’s money matters, the UAE handed over the lead role for getting ready for Arab Economic and Social Council meetings to Bahrain. This change points to Bahrain having more say in shaping how money is handled in the Arab world.
The get-together in Abu Dhabi strengthened the long-time friendship between these two Gulf countries focusing on shared goals for growing the economy, bringing in money and building in a way that lasts. Both lands are likely to keep working hand in hand to boost teamwork in key areas.