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US Urges Iran to Cease Drone Supplies to Russia Amidst Escalating Tensions




us urges iran to cease drone supplies to russia amidst escalating tensions

Amid broader efforts to defuse escalating tensions and initiate talks on Iran’s nuclear program, the United States is urging Iran to cease supplying drones to Russia. The aim is to foster a deescalation of hostilities and potentially restart diplomatic discussions. However, Iran’s past technology transfers have already enabled Russia to develop its own drones, signaling an independent stride toward this capability.

United States Calls for Halt in Iran-Russia Drone Cooperation

The U.S. is encouraging Iran to halt its sales of drones to Russia in line with an “unwritten understanding” between the two long-standing adversaries. The objective is to de-escalate the mounting tensions. The U.S. is particularly concerned with Iran’s provision of drones and spare parts, according to an Iranian official and an individual familiar with the ongoing discussions.

Reports indicate that Russia has been making advancements in manufacturing drones based on Iranian designs for potential use against Ukraine. An independent investigation by Conflict Armament Research detailed Russia’s strides in producing copies of Iranian loitering munitions—self-detonating, explosive-laden drones. This progress was revealed following the analysis of downed Iranian Shahed-136 drones equipped with Russian components.

Russia’s construction and deployment of a specialized version of the Iranian Shahed drone hint at the country’s success in propelling domestic drone production forward. These adaptations signify Russia’s gains in self-reliant drone manufacturing, as evidenced by the distinctive characteristics observed in the Russian-modified Shahed-136 drones deployed against Ukraine.

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Leaked documents obtained by The Washington Post shed light on Russia’s ambitious plans to manufacture drones modeled after the Iranian Shahed-136. The Alabuga factory, situated 500 miles east of Moscow, is intended to be the production hub for an estimated 6,000 Iranian-designed drones by mid-2025. These documents underscore Russia’s dedication to improving upon Iran’s manufacturing methods and utilizing Russian expertise for enhanced scale and quality control.

The leaked documents revealed that the Russian engineers at the Alabuga facility are not only aiming to scale up drone production but are also exploring enhancements to the drone itself. The drones may be equipped for swarm attacks, wherein multiple UAVs autonomously coordinate strikes on targets. This advancement reflects Russia’s pursuit of more sophisticated drone capabilities.

Aliza is a promising member of the Trends section at The Gulf Independent. She has a flair towards observing the latest food, movie, fashion, culture, business, technology and other other trending topics - delivering strongly factual and reliable news every day. Interest: Aliza holds a deep interest in bringing the audience the most recent information and incisive analysis on a variety of trending developments across the GCC. She believes in giving facts and creativity the front seat, producing articles that encourage deep conversations. Educate and Experience: Aliza entered the promising media industry in 2019, as she graduated from the prestigious King Faisal University in Saudi Arabia in Master of Media. Over the years, the journalist has produced innumerable thought-provoking and breaking stories, based on accuracy and integrity. Email id: [email protected]

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