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UAE’s Yahsat Initiates New Global Sustainability Drive with the UN 




uae's yahsat initiates new global sustainability drive with the un 

UAE has rapidly emerged as a pioneering force in the realm of space technology and exploration. In recent years, the UAE has made significant strides in launching satellites, establishing space agencies, and inspiring the youth to reach for the stars. This ambition is exemplified by the nation’s very own YAHSAT, the UAE’s flagship satellite communications company. Yahsat has once again captured the world’s attention by becoming the first UAE space technology company to join the United Nations’-UN global initiative to promote corporate sustainability.

The leading supplier of satellite solutions in the United Arab Emirates, Al Yah Satellite Communications Company PJSC (ADX: YAHSAT), announced today that it has become a member of the UN Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability program in the world (UNGC). Yahsat, as an official member, will incorporate ten fundamental UNGC principles into its business operations – including labor, human rights, environmental management, and anti-corruption measures.

In the official statement, YAHSAT Group Chief Executive Officer  Al Hashemi said- “Yahsat is extremely proud to be the first UAE space technology company to join the United Nations Global Compact and incorporate its ten principles into YAHSAT’s core business. This reflects our unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability for all our actions that impact people and the planet. Yahsat already has a proven track record of strong ethical governance practices, making it an ideal UNGC member, which is focused on building a sustainable future for us all”.

This is an important step taken by the UAE Government towards the SDGs, come understand the full picture and background with me!

Yahsat’s Partnership with UN: Elevating the UAE’s Space Endeavours on the Global Stage

In a world where connectivity has become more vital than ever, one company is shining bright amongst the stars. Yahsat, the leading satellite communications provider in the United Arab Emirates and the UAE has persistently sought to establish itself as a prominent player in space technology and exploration. This relentless drive towards innovation was manifested through the launch of the Emirates Mars Mission’s “Hope Probe” in 2020, marking the Arab world’s first mission to Mars. The successful mission propelled the UAE into the international spotlight, underscoring its commitment to space exploration.

Know About Yahsat:

YAHSAT, a UAE-based company specializing in satellite communications, has been at the forefront of this journey. Established in 2007, YAHSAT has swiftly become a leading global satellite operator, providing satellite communication solutions across the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Central and South-West Asia.

Partnership Of Yahsat With the UN:

After this partnership, Yahsat, as an official member, will incorporate ten fundamental UNGC principles into its business operations – including labor, human rights, environmental management, and anti-corruption measures. To ensure that these principles are strictly adhered to throughout Yahsat’s entire business, the company will integrate them into all aspects of its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy and sustainability.

To show his stand clearly with a commitment to supporting sustainable development goals (SDGs), Yahsat has entered into a strategic partnership with the United Nations (UN). This partnership aims to utilize satellite technology to address various global challenges related to education, health, agriculture, and disaster response.

The decision also highlights Yahsat’s understanding of the evolving corporate landscape. Modern businesses are increasingly expected to contribute positively to society and the planet while pursuing innovation and growth. 

What Are the Objectives of This New Partnership by UAE’s Company With the UN?

A famous saying can help you to understand the concept clearly, “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

Furthermore, Yahsat’s commitment to sustainability reflects the broader UAE vision.

Here is the list of major objectives:

  1. Yahsat’s proactive commitment to sustainability and responsibility towards the globe and to promote SDGs.
  2. The main goal of this partnership is to help UN agencies run their programs more efficiently by using Yahsat’s advanced satellite technology. Satellite connectivity solutions, such as broadband internet access and e-learning platforms, can connect people in rural areas to important services like healthcare and education. This will help close the digital gap between cities and rural or less-developed areas.
  3. Another goal is to enhance emergency response efforts during natural disasters or humanitarian crises by providing essential communication tools like

How Does Yahsat’s UN Partnership Reflect the UAE’s Commitment to Sustainability?

Once you know the objective then only one question will come to your mind why UAE? Why is the UAE taking this stance? Why is the UAE promoting SDGs in the world? I know you have this question in your mind… Don’t worry read more To satisfy your hunger, I will end the story with a clear concept for you!

Regarding tackling global issues and advancing sustainable development, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has always been at the forefront. YAHSAT’s cooperation with the UNGC, which demonstrates the UAE’s commitment to accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is an example of this commitment.

This partnership is also important for reducing the digital gap and isolated regions, particularly in developing nations increase connectivity. And don’t forget the UAE’s dedication to empowering women as change agents. It is also a component of their partnership with UN Women through the #HeForShe. 

As a sum up we can say that, Yahsat’s decision to join the UN’s global effort to encourage corporate sustainability shows that the UAE is truly dedicated to space technology, and being a good global neighbor. As the first space technology company in the UAE to take this step, Yahsat has set an inspiring example for other companies in the country. By combining space technology with environmentally friendly business practices, Yahsat shows how the UAE wants to go to new heights while staying true to its values of responsibility, sustainability, and working together with other countries.

Read More: UAE’s “Tarahum for Gaza” Campaign Shines for Humanitarian Diplomacy

Aliza is a promising member of the Trends section at The Gulf Independent. She has a flair towards observing the latest food, movie, fashion, culture, business, technology and other other trending topics - delivering strongly factual and reliable news every day. Interest: Aliza holds a deep interest in bringing the audience the most recent information and incisive analysis on a variety of trending developments across the GCC. She believes in giving facts and creativity the front seat, producing articles that encourage deep conversations. Educate and Experience: Aliza entered the promising media industry in 2019, as she graduated from the prestigious King Faisal University in Saudi Arabia in Master of Media. Over the years, the journalist has produced innumerable thought-provoking and breaking stories, based on accuracy and integrity. Email id: [email protected]

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