Barbie, an American film directed by Greta Gerwig, is facing unexpected challenges in the Middle East region, especially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Barbie is facing...
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has welcomed the start of the United Nations’ operational plan to recover the FSO Safer oil tanker, an offloading vessel...
Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) has established a new company called Al Madinah Heritage Company (MHC) with the aim of developing and increasing the production...
The GCC and Central Asian states have recognized the importance to work together to ensure the flexibility of supply chains while improving transportation and communication, food...
A total of 550,580 Hajj pilgrims have arrived in Medina, a city in the western Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), according to the Saudi Press Agency...
Saudi Arabia‘s Minister of Investment Khalid bin Abdulaziz al-Falih is optimistic the first-ever Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) – Central Asia summit in Jeddah on Wednesday will...
The committee responsible for pilgrims’ housing in the holy city of Medina, Saudi Arabia, has opened registration for housing permits ahead of next year’s Hajj pilgrimage. ...
Abdulaziz al-Shlahei, a famous director from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is set to shoot a feature film called ‘Hobal’ in NEOM, a planned smart city...
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s famous animators, who are famous for creating “Masameer County”, are set to create another Saudi film. Abdulaziz Abdulaziz Almuzaini and Malik...
A total of 224 students from 17 Saudi universities are embarking on two scientific trips to Japan, according to the Saudi Press Agency. The trips will...