In a groundbreaking move, the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) and the National Transformation Program (NTP) are set to introduce Saudi Arabia’s inaugural National...
Riyadh’s Jump Saudi arena recently witnessed the culmination of the three-star category of the Saudi Equestrian Federation Cup for Show Jumping. The event, spanning Thursday to...
In a recent development, the Musaned platform, operating under the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD), has unveiled updated recruitment regulations. These regulations now...
Diriyah, a beacon of culture and heritage, has achieved a milestone with the opening of the first Ritz-Carlton Residences in the Kingdom. This collaboration between the...
Comic Con Arabia 2023 will take place in Saudi Arabia on November 30, 2023, at the Jeddah Centre for Forums and Events. Global cosplayers and enthusiasts...
Journey to Mecca: In the Footsteps of Ibn Battuta-The documentary has been translated into French, Russian, Turkish, and English, among other languages. Bruce Neibaur’s highly regarded...
In a significant development, Saudi Arabia has released stringent guidelines for the 2024 Hajj pilgrimage, introducing measures aimed at ensuring the safety, well-being, and seamless experience...
To protect children’s personal data, representatives of the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority have started an awareness campaign. The initiative is a part of the...
As their cooperation grows, the People’s Bank of China and the Saudi Central Bank, also known as SAMA, have inked a local currency swap agreement valued...
As the Israel-Hamas conflict unfolds, the ripple effects are reaching far beyond the Middle East, prompting a renewed debate in Germany on the sale of jets...