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Mohammed bin Rashid’s MBRGI planting a seed of goodness in every corner



sheikh mohammed

The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives was established in 2015, combining under its umbrella more than 30 initiatives and entities, most of which have been launched and supported by HH Mohammed bin Rashid, UAE’s PM and Ruler of Dubai.

The MBRGI is the largest regional foundation in terms of the number of institutional initiatives that lead prominent programmes and projects on a global scale. It is devoted to supporting and empowering vulnerable and disadvantaged communities in different countries.

Besides major time-bound humanitarian aid and relief operations, the MBRGI also supports vital societal sectors and develop practical and innovative solutions to address economic, social, cultural, health, environment and humanitarian challenges.

MBRGI’s mission to build stable, prosperous societies

The MBRGI’s entities and initiatives are classified under five main pillars: Humanitarian Aid and Relief, Healthcare and Disease Control, Spreading Education and Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Empowering Communities.

Each pillar serves a particular humanitarian, social and development sector to meet MBRGI’s mission to build stable and prosperous societies across the globe. The pillars reflect the foundation’s vision to create hope and foster a cultural of positive change.

The MBRGI’s achievements under Humanitarian Aid and Relief pillar in 2023 include Dh1.1 billion spent, 34.4 million beneficiaries, Dh1.075 billion in donations collected for the 1 Billion Meals Endowment, and Dh50 million in urgent relief directed to Gaza.

Your insight into MBRGI’s ‘1 Billion Meals Endowment’

The ‘1 Billion Meals Endowment’ was launched in March 2023 as the largest food aid and endowment project aiming to provide a food safety net for underprivileged populations, especially in countries struggling to address food insecurity.

The campaign is an expansion of the UAE’s previous Ramadan campaigns ‘1 Billion Meals‘, ‘100 Million Meals’ and ’10 Million Meals’, organised under the directives of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Hunger claims a child’s life every 10 seconds in a world where 25,000 people die of hunger every day. More than 800 million people across the globe are undernourished globally and 52 million of them live in the Middle East and North Africa region.

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